Welcome to
Messiah Lutheran Church-Wauconda
You are welcome here because God welcomes you.
Messiah is a community of Christians seeking to welcome and connect everyone, make disciples of everyone, and share Jesus' love everywhere. We welcome the participation of people of all ages, races, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, physical abilities, political affiliations, educational backgrounds, and economic conditions -- all who want to join us in serving God and proclaiming our faith.
Messiah is an ELCA congregation and a member of the
Click below for a welcome message from Pastor Dan McKnight.
What's Happening at messiah
Vacation Bible School Registration Now Open
June 9-13 from 9am - noon
Join Messiah Lutheran Church as teachers and assistants take students on an exciting and adventurous week of lessons, songs, crafts and fun as your children learn how Jesus is as important today as he was 2000 years ago. TRUE NORTH, Trusting Jesus in a Wild World registration is now open. CLICK HERE to register.
Are you interested in volunteering? You get one free child's registration if you volunteer for 5 days! CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer. Volunteers must be entering grade 7 and above next fall. Spend a week enriching children's lives with the love of Jesus and meet new friends and reconnect with old friends. Register and Signup today.
MEssiah Lutheran Church is Hiring:
Children and Family Ministry Director
Messiah Lutheran Church-Wauconda seeks an enthusiastic, child-youth centered person to join its growing, energetic, Christ-focused team as a Child and Family Ministry Director. This part-time or full-time position will work directly with the Pastor and other key lay-leaders to enrich and expand the faith development of our young disciples. If you have experience working with children (ages 3-18), an understanding of child spiritual/social development, and a desire to impact the lives of both youth and their families as they grow in their faith, this position is for you. Regionally competitive compensation package commensurate with education and experience. Click here for a job description. Start date determined with final candidate.
FLowers in Honor/Memory of Loved Ones for Easter
Purchase by April 6
Purchase flowers for $20 each for Easter Sunday. All orders must be placed by April 6 to ensure delivery to Messiah for Easter Sunday. Flowers can be picked up after the 10:15AM service on Easter. Thank you for helping to decorate our sanctuary for Easter through your flower purchases in honor or memory of loved ones. CLICK HERE to order flowers.
To pay by check, make your check payable to Messiah Lutheran Church with “ Easter Flowers” written on the memo line. Payments must be received by April 6th.
Pastor Lynne Morrow Justice MiNISTRY: LEnten Project
RefugeeOne-A Chicago-based ministry
The Pastor Lynne Morrow Justice Ministry of Messiah Lutheran Church-Wauconda is partnering with a nonprofit organization, RefugeeOne, to help refugees settle into housing and begin their new lives as our Lenten Service Project. CLICK HERE to make a one time donation through Messiah's Lenten Project. Make a difference for a Chicago-area refugee family in need.
In addition, Messiah is collecting house cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items. These supplies can be brought to the church with a note that they are for RefugeeOne, or brought on Sunday to the Gathering Place.
First Communion Instruction
Students in 2nd Grade and above
The Faith Formation Ministry is planning our First Communion Instruction for 2025. All children in second grade and older (older kids will learn and be helpers) are welcome to attend, I am sending this to all parents even if your child isn’t old enough as you might have family member or friend that might be interested, and you can pass on the information.
The program will be held on three days, 2 instructions and activities on March 15 and April 12, and the first Communion on April 13 at the 9:30 service. CLICK HERE for more information and to sign-up. This is an exciting next step on your child's spiritual journey!
Auditions for HS/College Praise Band
(more auditions will be held in March)
Are you a high school or a college-age musician? Does playing in an ensemble or band interest you, but you don't know how to put one together? Would you be interested in starting up a NEW Praise Band and or String Group at Messiah Lutheran Church in Wauconda? These ensembles will perform one Sunday a month with one practice a week. (Time for rehearsals will be determined once Band/Ensemble members are selected). Performances will be on Sundays at 9:30AM during the School year and at 9:00AM during the Summer.
CLICK HERE to fill out the audition form. Additional audition dates will be held in March based on interest. Please contact Dr. Kyle Schumacher at kyle.schumacher@messiah-wauconda.org.
Bible Study REgistration OPEN!
It's Not to Late to Sign-UP
Beginning January 5, Pastor Dan started a 31-week sermon series on The Story, The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People. A corresponding Bible Study began the week of January 12. Sign-ups are available via the Church Center App or by clicking below. Registration is free. The book is available via Amazon or other online retailers or in the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings for $10.
There are several options for either an in-person or online Bible Study. Please click on one of the links below to sign-up OR go to the Church Center APP and, under the Signups tab, you will find this information and can sign up! HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS can sign up, too.
We look forward to experiencing this whole church Bible study together in small groups to study, learn and share in joyful fellowship. What a great way to get to know new people and engage in some fun and enlightening conversations in a welcoming and inviting environment!
THe community meal
First Wednesday of each month
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month for a FREE Community Meal! You may join us at Messiah Lutheran Church for a sit down meal or take a meal to go with our carryout option.
Doors open at 4:55 PM. Meals are served from 5 PM - 6:15 PM and are available to anyone in the surrounding community - you do NOT need to be a Messiah member to participate. This monthly event is held in partnership with The Community Meal organization of Barrington.
2025 Community Meal Schedule:
April 2, May 7
June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1,
November 5, December 3
Senior Lunch Meal Delivery
Third wednesday of each month
Do you know a senior who would enjoy lunch delivered once per month?
Messiah's Hospitality Outreach Ministry volunteers sponsor a Senior Lunch Meal Delivery program on the third Wednesday of every month! Please send us a message at info@messiah-wauconda.org to sign up.
2025 Senior Lunch Delivery dates:
April 16, May 21, June 18, July. 26
August 20, September 17, October 15
November 19, December 17
Pathway and Sunday School Registration
Pathway, the confirmation program at Messiah, is for students 6th-8th grade. We meet on most Sunday evenings 4-6pm starting Sept 22nd. Please click here for the online Pathway registration form! Please email Ashley Rabe for more information!
It's not too late to sign up for Sunday School, which starts Sept 8th during the 9:30 service! Click here for the online registration form.