January 2, 2025
Dear Messiah Family:
In accordance with the approved Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chapter 10:
C10.01 The annual meeting of this congregation shall be held at a time specified in the bylaws, which is consistent with the laws of the State of Illinois.
C10.01.01 The Annual Congregation Meeting shall be held no later than the second week of February of each year.
It is my duty as President to notify you, by providing this letter, of our intent to call the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, February 2, 2025 in the Sanctuary following the 9:30 am service. Following the service, there will be a brief intermission to allow voting members who cannot be present, time to sign in via ZOOM (link to be provided in THE VOICE).
Please plan to attend this very important meeting of the congregation. Members and non-members may attend the meeting, but only members can vote.
Thank you for your support of our church,
Vinnie Jordan
Council President