FAith formation

Messiah offers a variety of educational programs for children, teens and adults. We are proud to offer quality, in-house opportunities for all. Whether you're seeking private preschool or kindergarten, Sunday school, youth, or adult bible study programs, you've come to the right place!

Preschool, Kindergarten and before & After Care

One of Messiah's largest ministries, Messiah Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten with Before & After Care offers quality education, experienced teachers and assistants, and a caring, supportive learning environment. Our program is accredited by NAEYC, the National Association for the Education of Young Children and has received their Award of Excellence for faculty, facility, and curriculum annually for the last 15 years! MLPK is consistently among the top-rated preschool and kindergarten programs in the area. If you're interested in learning more, please head over to our dedicated school website for information or contact our Preschool Director, Erica Jawnyj, to schedule a tour! 

Need to contact Erica? 


Phone: (847) 526-7479

MLPK website:

sunday school

Messiah's Sunday School program is designed for children in Preschool through 5th Grade. We teach children the foundations of our faith using a variety of fun activities. 

Sunday School meets most Sundays from September through May during our 9:30 AM worship service, following the children's message. Children are invited to arrive to worship with their parents or guardians, stay in the Sanctuary through the children's message, and then are dismissed to their Sunday School classes. *Please note, Sunday School is not a drop-off activity. 

For more information on our Sunday School program, contact our Church Office at 847-526-7161.

For the Sunday School Registration Form, click here.

Vacation bible school (VBS)

Messiah proudly hosts a summer Vacation Bible School program for children in preschool through 5th Grade (children MUST be potty-trained). We welcome children from the surrounding community to join the fun as we explore our faith in a variety of fun activities. 

You do NOT need to be a member of Messiah to attend our VBS program! All are welcome!

first holy communion

First Holy Communion is an important milestone in our faith.

First Holy Communion is intended for students in fifth grade who are in their last year of our Sunday School program. Fifth grade students are invited to participate in a retreat in April to prepare them for their First Holy Communion. Before the retreat, students will receive a Bible, a small catechism, a first communicant book, and a leader's guide to partake in at-home instruction. 

Contact the Messiah church office at (847) 526-7161 or email the Faith Formation Office for more information. 

Pathway / Middle School

Pathway is our 3-year program for 6th-8th graders as they prepare

to affirm their baptism through Confirmation. Middle school students will study Luther's Small Catechism and prepare for lives of faith, friendship and service. Pathway meets Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm during the school year.  

Contact the Messiah church office at (847) 526-7161 or email the Faith Formation Office for more information. 


Bible Study with Pastor Emeritus Chuck Merkner

Meets on Saturday mornings from 8:30 - 9:45 AM. Bible Study welcomes everyone who is seeking to strengthen their faith through studying the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday Worship. No previous Bible study or expertise in studying Scripture is necessary. Just bring yourself and your questions. Any questions? Call: (847) 254-1948 (Pastor Chuck).

Christian Basics

This multi-week course is offered for those wishing to baptize a child or be baptized themselves, prepare for Holy Communion or Confirmation as an adult, become a member of Messiah, or learn more about the faith we share.

Serendipity Bible Study

Meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 9:15 AM in the Luther Center.